Bank Holding Company Act

Bank Holding Company Act
сокр. BHC Act, BHCA банк., амер. закон "О банковских холдинговых компаниях" (наделил Федеральную резервную систему полномочиями по контролю и регулированию деятельности банковских холдинговых компаний; позволил ФРС составлять списки видов деятельности, которыми могут или не могут заниматься банковские холдинги; предоставил ФРС право контролировать приобретение банковскими холдингами контрольных пакетов компаний, осуществляющих некоторые виды деятельности; принят в 1956 г.)

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Закон о банковских холдинговых компаниях: федеральный закон США, принятый в 1956 г. и требующий регистрации банковских холдингов в Совете управляющих ФРС; закон запретил холдингам покупать более 5% акций банков без разрешения ФРС, владеть небанковскими институтами или контролировать их, а небанковским компаниям - владеть банками; поправка Дугласа в 1960 г. запретила холдингам приобретать банки более чем в одном штате, поправка 1966 г. ввела правила покупок банков.
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закон о банковской холдинговой компании
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Смотреть что такое "Bank Holding Company Act" в других словарях:

  • Bank Holding Company Act — of 1956, as amended (BHC Act) USA The federal statute regulating the acquisition, ownership and control of banks by companies. The BHC Act consists of three primary sections: • Section 2 defines the BHC Act s operative terms, including bank …   Law dictionary

  • Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended — (BHC Act) USA The federal statute regulating the acquisition, ownership and control of banks by companies. The BHC Act consists of three primary sections: • Section 2 defines the BHC Act s operative terms, including bank …   Law dictionary

  • Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 — Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (BHC Act) USA The federal statute regulating the acquisition, ownership and control of banks by companies. The BHC Act consists of three primary sections: • Section 2 defines the BHC Act s operative… …   Law dictionary

  • Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 — The Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (usc|12|1841, et seq. ) is a United States Act of Congress that regulates the actions of bank holding companies.The original law (subsequently amended), specified that the Federal Reserve Board of Governors… …   Wikipedia

  • Bank Holding Company Act — Federal law which governs any company which directly or indirectly owns or controls, with power to vote, more than 25% of voting shares of each of two or more banks. See 12 U.S.C.A. No. 184 et seq …   Black's law dictionary

  • Bank Holding Company Act — Federal law which governs any company which directly or indirectly owns or controls, with power to vote, more than 25% of voting shares of each of two or more banks. See 12 U.S.C.A. No. 184 et seq …   Black's law dictionary

  • bank holding company — USA A bank holding company is any entity that meets any of the following requirements: • Directly or indirectly owns, controls or has the power to vote 25% or more of a class of a bank s securities. • Controls in any manner the election of a… …   Law dictionary

  • Bank holding company — A bank holding company is a company with significant ownership of one or more banks. United States A bank holding company, under the laws of the United States, is any entity that directly or indirectly owns, controls, or has the power to vote 25% …   Wikipedia

  • Holding company — A holding company is a company that owns part, all, or a majority of other companies outstanding stock. It usually refers to a company which does not produce goods or services itself, rather its only purpose is owning shares of other companies.… …   Wikipedia

  • W Holding Company — Infobox Company company name = W Holding Company company company type = Public (NYSE: [ WHI] ) foundation = Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, (March 1, 1958) location=Mayagüez, Puerto Rico key people …   Wikipedia

  • financial holding company — USA Financial holding companies are entities created by the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (Also known as the Gramm Leach Bliley Act (the Act)) that may engage in a broader range of financial activities than previously allowed. Such …   Law dictionary

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